Wow, weeks go by super fast the closer you are to a deadline! And the closer I get the weirder I become. My friend, Karen, suggested I write a list to keep me focused. So I did. Writing was at the top of the list. I did every single things on the list before 10:30 am, including some I didn't put on the list, like changing out sheets on my bed and doing laundry, editing a story for a kid at church, putting away all the dishes and sweeping up the crumbs, and working on my son's YouTube movie. When I caught myself watching cat videos, I knew "Distraction Mode" had struck again. Why is it so hard to glue myself to the chair and stare at a blank page with my mind bopping over a million different scenarios while trying to fit each one into one of several plot lines to see if all the edges will match up while worrying about the fact that my son has forgotten his folder and wondering if I shouldn't maybe go drive it over to the school instead? Maybe I need to be seat-belted in place for several hours each morning until I've written a nice, juicy chapter or two.